Bread Exchange at ITB

Today is ITB starting in Berlin. It’s been around since 1966 and is the largest tourist fair in the world.

So there will be a lot of people in town. Which means that I will be baking like crazy.

Today I am supporting Design Hotels and baking for their invited guests. It would be great to see you at the stand as well. We will be  in Hall 9, Stand 312. Expect me to be tired but in a good mood, I have baked half of the night.

The Bread colors of today will be: WHITE, GREY and MUSTARD. My favorites!

I have made a couple of extra breads which I can trade with you. So send me an email ( if you are in town and plan to come to ITB.


Design Hotels is, just like Aesop, one of the companies that have been supporting the Bread Exchange project since years. Like here at Cortiina in Munich 2011. Or here, in Istanbul 2011. Thank You!


MalinBread Exchange at ITB

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