Finally a Facebook page

As you know I have had a facebook group for quite some time. But maybe you have noticed that the site got more and more quiet. It  annoyed me from day 1 that facebook sends out mails to the members when I post in my Bread Exchange group. I realized that I got really hesitant to post anything at all in the group because I simply dislike spamming.

So, after a lot of discussing over here, I decided to open a facebook page  for Bread Exchange. That way you can check out updates in your own pace and I don’t have to feel like I am rubbing anything into someones face.

So please join, by liking the site, if you want to get updates on Travels, Trades and things that inspire the Bread Exchange. And, here you can follow the journey of my new project: the Bread Exchange Book.

Please feel free to comment and share with me. Sharing the good things is the whole purpose of this project. I will give you all the good things I find.

The illustration from the page is a Bread Exchange from Kheira Linder.

MalinFinally a Facebook page

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