Fruitsalad on a cake

About a year ago I was having a lot of girls over. I decided to make a completely sweet evening, which is not really my style. There was a lot of cakes, rum shrub soaked desserts and cookies. And I remember I ended up serving half of the compost cookies un-baked. Just as it should be. Cookiedough is just to die for. Especially when it is made with Valrona chocolate, black sea salt and marshmallows!

(I think someone is craving sweets, I have been at this Ayurveda Yoga Spa for too long. No compost cookies here.)

However, what I wanted to show you was the cake I mentioned in my post yesterday.  At this time I was craving grapefruit ith ginger and cinnamon and I wanted to make a cake suitable to this. This great idea I got from the even more impressive food photographer named Katie Quinn Davies. I did not follow a special recipe, I just baked a very normal ginger/cinnamon sponge cake. I remember it ended up being pretty spicy, which I like. I chopped up some grapefruit and simply made a little mountain of it on top of the cake (I am sure you can go a lot wilder on the design here. I know I will when I do it again!)

I pressed an extra grape fruit on the side. This juice I let simmer together with a little bit of brown sugar, just enough to make it sweet. I poured it over the cake and had it soaking for a while before my guests arrived.

God it was good.


I have to post a picture of one of the guests presents. I love how Stefanie did the packaging.


MalinFruitsalad on a cake

3 Comments on “Fruitsalad on a cake”

  1. Federica

    I do like savory stuff more than sweets too. Not my kind of party 🙂 but looks gorgeous. I love that new bar area you have in your place.

  2. Elmlid

    Totally understand you position Federica. Any normal day I would take it too.
    Thank you! The kitchen has become extremely useful since I build it.

  3. Gozde

    Your kitchen is amazing:)
    I love compost cookies(especially making them).
    Wonderful ideas for sweets buffet.
    Grapefruit and cinnamon is a wonderful combination.

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