I am really excited about the journeys to South America (which will be my first!). In March I am invited by the business school in Bogota to speak about the Bread Exchange. Any tips or connection to this trip is highly appreciated!
There will be a journey to Nicaragua and I’d be happy to bake for you there if you are around. If you plan to be there, or happen to know of good places to bake, feel free to drop me a line!
There will also be some trips to both the east and the west coast of the US, and possibly also the Midwest andOhio. There will be NYC, LA and San Francisco for sure. Luckily, my sourdough is taken care of in NYC so I am not forced to smuggling it over the boarder again.
I am expecting that there will be some trading journeys to Sweden as well as Belgium. After the making of my book I owe bread to a couple of artists in Belgium and I’d be happy to connect it with some more meetings!
The Bread Exchanges are still baking in Berlin. If you are not able to take part in the trades that I post on my blog or on facebook, send me a mail, and we can try to set up something.
This is it for now. But, as usual, I am open to trade journeys anywhere in there world. Feel free to drop me a line if you have an idea on how to make something possible!
Until then, have a great winter season!
ps. I am still on the search for someone that like to trade bread for horseback riding. I would of course bring knäckebrot for the horse too!
(Illustration by Kheira Linder)

2 Comments on “Winter Newsletter”
What about a trip connection from Bogota to Rio de Janeiro in March?
Sounds great, Claudia! Please email me!