I have been off. Really off. Away from my computer for weeks. For the first time in 13 years. I don’t think I need to re:launch my food habits but I did actually need a Social Media Detox. Now I am back.
Winter Newsletter
It is still 2013, and I am having Christmas holiday in Sweden. We have no snow this year, but are in a good mood still. Before I get too excited about 2014 I send you a looking-back-letter on the year that soon has passed. If you signed up for the Bread Exchange Newsletter you received this directly in your mailbox. … Read More
Marrakech – the Storytellers
The Birth of the Sahara as told by Ahmed Temiicha A long time ago, when the earth was very young, it was one huge garden covered in tall palm trees and perfumed jasmine, and the songs of nightingales flooded the landscape with their gently melodies. At this time, all men were loyal, trustworthy and honest. In fact, the word ‘lie’ … Read More
Marrakech – Riad AnaYela
Once upon a time the main square of Marrakech was filled with story tellers. Old men who, with their bare words, were able to captured masses of people by painting pictures through ancient tales. These tales had travelled through villages. They are capturing a world full of adventures and travel. They were carried through generations. In these tales the good triumphs over evil. … Read More
I used to read tons of blogs. Nowadays I just don’t. Especially I cut down on food blogs as they ether made me full or unhealthy hungry. Working with food already I always need to keep a healthy balance. Also interior blogs has become less inspiring to me. The less time I have the more I rather focus on my … Read More
Girls shopping in Marrakech
The trip to Morocco was actually a work trip. But in the weekend I met up with the great NY ladies Cynthia, Anna and Gisela (who all are writers and now live in Berlin). Gisela was in her right element and took us around on the hidden paths. The panorama image illustrates the mood, the madness and the excitement of … Read More
Bread movie from Marrakech
Thank You David for images and even more for this little movie: Bakery Marrakech from The Bread Exchange on Vimeo.
Green Kitchen Stories in Marrakech
The other night I bumped into David from Green Kitchen stories. David, and his wife (and even their daughter Elsa) are running this inspiring vegetarian food blog from Stockholm. Now they are, just like me, collecting inspiration for new projects here in Marrakech. But there is something with Green Kitchen Stories that inspires me just much as their cooking; The fact … Read More
Bread Baking in Marrakech
As usual I have been hunting for a bakery oven to use. Just like in Kabul, this was no problem at all. Here in Morocco, the local bakery is run by men and the families are bringing their dough to be baked. Every family has their personal cloth so they know which pile of bread they are to pick up … Read More
Riad el Cadi
One year ago I received an email from a German woman asking me if I would like to trade bread with her. She had inherited a Riad from her father and offered me to come to Marrakech to bake and stay with her. At that time I was on the road travelling and Morocco was not really possible for me … Read More